October 16, 2015

Tax rules change in 2017

Estimated reading time: 20 seconds

What usually happens when tax rules change? People end up paying more taxes.

New tax rules coming on January 1, 2017 will likely forever change the unique tax benefits currently available to Canadians with Participating (“PAR”) Whole Life Insurance policies….and Ottawa will collect more taxes.

September 11, 2015

Benefits - read the fine print today!

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

Company benefit plans always get too little attention…until premiums go way up or something goes wrong.

They are usually under-appreciated by employees who don’t understand their true value and begrudgingly regarded by employers as necessary and expensive ways to retain and attract good employees.

July 20, 2015

Fearing the future

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

According to a survey by Market Probe Canada, 82% of Canadians are concerned that the cost of long term care will significantly reduce their retirement income and assets, and more than half are afraid of becoming a burden to their family.

To make matters worse, they don't have a great deal of confidence in the government's ability to help them if they need long term care in the future. (Can’t say I blame them - read this)

June 22, 2015

Happy (Belated) Tax Freedom Day

Estimated reading time:  30 seconds

Canadians celebrated Tax Freedom Day on June 10th.

The Fraser Institute, a leading think tank, calculated the total tax burden imposed on the average Canadian family by our three levels of government.

May 12, 2015

In Praise of Mothers

Estimated reading time:  45 seconds

Happy (Belated) Mothers Day!

This post is dedicated to my late mother Frances Halpern, of blessed memory, who passed away at age 82 in 2007 after many years of failing health.

April 30, 2015

All in the family

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

I was a guest speaker last month at a Toolbox Seminar hosted by Toronto-based lawyers Gardiner Roberts LLP.

My presentation "Creative Uses of Life Insurance in Family Business Buyouts" was attended by a few dozen lawyers, accountants and other planning professionals.

March 10, 2015

How Much is Enough?

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor famously declared "You can never be too rich or too thin."

When it comes to receiving payouts on insurance claims, I have yet to hear someone declare

“I had too much insurance” when I deliver the cheque.

February 9, 2015

RRSPs and Hypnosis

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

RRSP season is now in full swing.

We are inundated with soothing ads encouraging us to save now for a dreamy retirement with an RRSP.

November 21, 2014

Free Money

October 30, 2014

A real deal at the big box store?

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

People like me shop at big box stores for good deals on many useful products.

From tires to toilet paper, consumer-friendly pricing explains the packed parking lots and overstuffed shopping carts.

October 2, 2014

Strategies for kids with special needs

Estimated reading time: 60 seconds

The grandparents of a special needs child contacted me recently wanting to do something “different” to provide for their grandson and his parents.

The boy was born with a severe disability requiring special care - an emotional and financial challenge for any family.

August 22, 2014

Best Doctors got BETTER

Estimated reading time: 50 seconds

You’ve probably heard of Best Doctors - widely known for medical advisory services and second opinions. Best Doctors has been available for individuals and as an add-on for group benefit plans.

Founded by Harvard Medical School physicians in 1989, Best Doctors operates globally from its base in Boston, affiliated with Centers of Excellence around the world. With the help of more than 53,000 medical experts, they help patients navigate the healthcare system ensuring the right decisions and the right care.

May 9, 2014

CBC Marketplace strikes again

Estimated reading time: 45 seconds

CBC Marketplace has warned consumers again about Canadian banks offering imperfect advice and unfriendly insurance products.

They went undercover seeking financial advice from the country's top 5 banks and financial institutions….and….spoiler alert….the results are scary.

April 9, 2014

Tax Time Blues - Be Prepared

Estimated reading time: 35 seconds

After a long and miserable winter, Canadians now face the annual dread called tax time.

Some taxpayers are in ‘search and sort’ mode right now, looking for the receipts and documents required for their personal income tax return.

March 21, 2014

Charity begins at the office

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

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It allows me, on a daily basis, to help people get properly protected from whatever lies ahead.

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