March 11, 2021

Future Attractions. When and How Much?

That’s the title of my latest article published in The TaxLetter®

It recognizes significant tax increases ahead and presents several opportunities to preserve wealth and lessen the tax bite now.

Read it here

As we patiently await our vaccines and the re-opening of world economies, right now is the perfect time to focus on “incompletions” in your estate planning, including wills, powers of attorney and life insurance.

Now, for the first time ever, our clients can get up to $5 million of Life Insurance with NO medical underwriting, NO blood/urine samples and NO in-person meetings, all in a 15 minute phone call.

They are topping up coverage and buying new policies for spouses, children and grandchildren for basic protection, estate tax planning or charitable giving.

May 1, 2016

Where is your Will?

Estimated Reading time: 50 seconds

It’s déjà vu all over again.

Prince’s sudden death a few weeks ago at the young age of 57 was quickly followed by reports of a huge estate estimated at up to US$500 million, a priceless treasure chest of unreleased music, international legions of grieving fans and NO WILL!

April 30, 2015

All in the family

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

I was a guest speaker last month at a Toolbox Seminar hosted by Toronto-based lawyers Gardiner Roberts LLP.

My presentation "Creative Uses of Life Insurance in Family Business Buyouts" was attended by a few dozen lawyers, accountants and other planning professionals.

November 21, 2014

Free Money

October 30, 2014

A real deal at the big box store?

Estimated reading time: 40 seconds

People like me shop at big box stores for good deals on many useful products.

From tires to toilet paper, consumer-friendly pricing explains the packed parking lots and overstuffed shopping carts.

October 2, 2014

Strategies for kids with special needs

Estimated reading time: 60 seconds

The grandparents of a special needs child contacted me recently wanting to do something “different” to provide for their grandson and his parents.

The boy was born with a severe disability requiring special care - an emotional and financial challenge for any family.

May 9, 2014

CBC Marketplace strikes again

Estimated reading time: 45 seconds

CBC Marketplace has warned consumers again about Canadian banks offering imperfect advice and unfriendly insurance products.

They went undercover seeking financial advice from the country's top 5 banks and financial institutions….and….spoiler alert….the results are scary.

April 9, 2014

Tax Time Blues - Be Prepared

Estimated reading time: 35 seconds

After a long and miserable winter, Canadians now face the annual dread called tax time.

Some taxpayers are in ‘search and sort’ mode right now, looking for the receipts and documents required for their personal income tax return.

March 21, 2014

Charity begins at the office

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

I love my job!

It allows me, on a daily basis, to help people get properly protected from whatever lies ahead.

March 12, 2014

5 Reasons why insurance companies don’t want you to review your policies

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

Everyone knows that insurance companies pay attention to details.

The degree of due diligence they exercise before issuing a life insurance policy often includes a careful review of your driving record, financial profile and family health history.

January 22, 2014

Resolutions for 2014 - Get Your Financial House in Order

This is the only time of year when people make all kinds of promises to themselves; solemn vows to quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more, work less, work more, become more spiritual, etc.

Consider adding this resolution - get your financial house on order.

Use this list to get started.

June 20, 2013

Never Assume Anything (including emails delivered)

Estimated reading time: 45 seconds

“Never assume anything” Heard that before? Me too…at least a million times.

Yes, it’s a cliché, but it always ring true!

June 14, 2013

Happy Father's Day - gift included

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

Happy Father’s Day!

This post is dedicated to my late father, of blessed memory, who died of a sudden heart attack in 1974 at the age of 50.

June 5, 2013

Truth or Consequences

Estimated reading time: 35 seconds

Telling the truth is an essential virtue, especially when it comes to dealing with insurance companies.

A schoolyard fib gets denounced with 'liar, liar pants on fire', but an insurance fib can carry disastrous consequences.

May 23, 2013

I was planning to procrastinate …

Estimated reading time: 45 seconds

I was planning to procrastinate, but never got around to it.

How many of us don’t put off important things we know we should have done yesterday?  Do you envy those super-efficient types who are so punctual, organized and always put together?  Don’t they sometimes infuriate you.... with yourself?

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