This article describes tax-friendly strategies used by business owners and incorporated professionals to accumulate and preserve wealth.
Investor’s Digest of Canada published “New tax rules hit entrepreneurs hardest" Mark's article that presents 4 ways incorporated professionals and businesses can mitigate new tax rules, preserve the small business deduction and save hard-earned money.
Mark was a guest speaker at “Strategic Philanthropy”, a seminar presented by The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), Toronto branch, the leading international organization for trust and estate professionals
The event was held at the Ivey Tangerine Leadership Centre, Exchange Tower, Toronto, and available at 3 satellite locations across the GTA and online via webcast.
He was joined by fellow presenters Tania Carnegie, Chief Impact Officer, KPMG in Canada and Aneil Gokhale, Director, Philanthropy, Toronto Foundation.
The program is designed to educate and inform estate planning professionals about legacy planning, how to approach the legacy discussion with clients, the impact of recent tax changes on philanthropy, gift planning strategies, and ideas for structuring gifts using private foundations, trusts and donor advised funds.
Investor’s Digest of Canada published “Why Financial Literacy Is Important" Mark's article that contains four financial must-do's everyone should know.
Mark returned as guest speaker at a sold-out Professional Accountants Professional Development Network (PAPDN) event hosted by the Etobicoke District CPA Association at the Lambton Golf and Country Club in Toronto.
140 CPA’s, LLB’s, finance, investment and insurance advisors attended his presentation “Insurance, Tax and Philanthropy Update”. He explained how to introduce the philanthropic talk with clients and shared many smart strategies to help clients pay less tax while creating lasting legacies for the causes they are passionate about, including Passive Income Strategies for business owners and incorporated professionals.
The Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto announced Mark’s appointment as Vice-Chair of the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), to assume Chair duties in 2019.
PAC consists of leading lawyers, accountants, financial planners and advisors, insurance and other professionals who are committed to supporting the Jewish Foundation's work by promoting philanthropy through their professional practices.
Mark was interviewed by The Globe and Mail for an article about the importance of a proper will as the cornerstone of estate planning.
Mark was interviewed by The Globe & Mail for an article that describes 3 major shifts that impact how much we have to save and the financial planning choices we make.
Key take-away : Everyone can benefit from financial planning, even those who think they have their finances under control.
Mark returned as guest speaker for a 3rd time for a GTA Accountants Network event at the Donalda Club in Toronto.
His presentation “Strategic Philanthropy: Helping Clients Minimize Taxes and Maximize Giving” explained how to introduce the philanthropic talk with clients and described many smart strategies to help them pay less tax while creating lasting legacies for the causes they are passionate about, including Passive Income Strategies for business owners and incorporated professionals.
Mark attended the Toronto Family Office & High Net Worth Conference at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto.
The conference was a closed meeting of High Net Worth individuals and Family Office Executives that covered varied topics such as estate planning, investments, asset protection, family business, arts and more. https://canada-wealth.com/
Attendance was restricted to qualified individuals who met their criteria.
Mark was a keynote speaker at csbEnvision8, the premier national U.S. conference for Jewish Life Insurance professionals.
The event gathers leading insurance advisors from the Tri-state area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) and beyond.
Mark was the keynote presenter at the 7th and final event in the 2018 Leave A Legacy Series. He presented "How to Minimize Taxes and Maximize Giving" at the North York Central Library.
Mark was one of 13 professionals from across the country profiled in a research report commissioned by The Canadian Association of Gift Planners, et al that examined how professional advisors incorporate philanthropy into their practice.
Mark was interviewed for an article published by the Financial Planning Standards Council, the not-for-profit organization that develops, promotes and enforces professional standards in financial planning through the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.
Read “A Fine Balance. Support for Adult Children vs. Your Financial Stability".
Investor’s Digest of Canada published “Funding Your Retirement Decades” Mark's article that explains several tax-effective strategies to grow and preserve retirement savings.
The Scarborough and Rouge Hospital Foundation (SRH Foundation) published Mark's article describing the CPP Philanthropy™ strategy in the Legacy of Life, Summer 2018 newsletter.
St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation asked Mark to speak at their Financial & Estate Planning Seminar for donors.
Mark's presentation “How to Minimize Taxes and Maximize Giving” explained several strategies to leave more for family and charity instead of the tax department.
Co-presenter Matthew Urback of Shibley Righton LLP educated donors about the perils of estate litigation and the importance of planning wills and trusts properly.
Investor’s Digest of Canada published “No Bad News - If You Plan Properly", Mark’s article that explains why changing demographics require people to take more personal responsibility for growing older, and provides six planning thought-starters to position yourself and your family for the best of times.
Mark was a member of the steering committee, moderator, and keynote speaker for the inaugural High Net Worth Invitational Forum presented by the Northwind Professional Institute at Langdon Hall in Cambridge, ON.
He presented “The Strategic Use of Life Insurance for Business Owners and Affluent Families” and shared best practices with more than 40 like-minded professional colleagues to provide the most up to date estate planning, wealth preservation and insurance solutions for clients.
Mark attended the Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (CALU) Annual Meeting in Ottawa, ON. The event gathers Canada's leading practitioners in the fields of Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Executive Compensation, Corporate-Owned Life Insurance, Charitable Giving, and Employee Benefits.
Mark discussed the upcoming launch of the 2018 Leave a Legacy™ Series on morning radio shows of Zoomer Media
Investor’s Digest of Canada published “Melt and Cascade”, Mark’s article that explains tax-saving strategies available to stream registered and non-registered assets to children and/or other beneficiaries.
WEALTHinsurance.com will return for a second year as Exclusive Lead Sponsor of the 2018 Leave a Legacy™ Information Series presented by The Canadian Association of Gift Planners GTA Chapter.
Life Health Professional (an information resource for Canadian advice and planning professionals) published Mark's opinion of the recent Federal Budget, and how it affects tax strategies, life insurance and estate planning for business owners.
The key takeaway is “the sky is not falling” around insurance strategies.
There is no bad news - it’s ONLY news if you plan properly.
Mark wrote an article for Investor’s Digest of Canada that explains the S.O.S™ Shared Ownership Strategy for Critical Illness Insurance, and how company owners and executives can get important protection and enjoy guaranteed pre-tax returns in excess of 30% while getting money out of their company tax-free.
Mark will be a guest speaker at a Professional Accountants Professional Development Network event hosted by the Etobicoke District CPA Association at the Lambton Golf and Country Club in Toronto.
His presentation “Retirement Planning and Charitable Planned Giving” will explain strategies that combine wealth preservation and philanthropy, a win-win by every measure.
He will be joined by Aneil Gokhale, Director of Philanthropy, Toronto Foundation.
This article describes tax-friendly strategies used by business owners and incorporated professionals to accumulate and preserve wealth.
This article describes several giving strategies and explains the accompanying financial benefits available to generous people.
This article presents 4 ways an incorporated business can mitigate new tax rules, preserve the small business deduction and save hard-earned money.
This article describes essential “must-do’s” to preserve your estate and protect your family from the financial fallout that occurs upon the death of a spouse.
Issues to address when contemplating marriage that require the help and experience of knowledgeable tax, legal and estate planning professionals.
CharityMATTERS™ is our new Philanthropy Newsletter.
The first edition launched on March 12, 2018
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Everything you need to keep your estate information up to date including:
What if something happens to you? Will your spouse and children find every important document easily? Examples: wills, powers of attorney, bank accounts, life insurance, etc.
Organize your estate efficiently and eliminate taxes with this valuable checklist.
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