August 31, 2021

Creative Charitable Gifting Strategies

The latest issue of Foundation Magazine contains my second article on Strategic Philanthropy, published under my column banner "The Accidental Philanthropist™”

"Creative Charitable Gifting Strategies" describes several effective and often-overlooked ways for generous people to support the causes they care about in the most cost and tax-effective manner.

Read it here

I love sharing strategies and planning ideas with fellow advisors, so they can help their own clients become "Accidental Philanthropists™.

Can you imagine Colonel Sanders sharing his secret recipe with every chicken seller - including all 11 herbs and spices?

We like to share our “secret sauce” as it brings us closer to achieving our corporate goal of creating $100 million of new charitable gifts each year working with clients, charities and allied professionals.

If you have a connection to charitably inclined clients, foundations or non-profit organizations, let's work together. In the meantime, get your free subscription to Foundation Magazine at

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