January 8, 2013

Jack's Story - Part 2

Happy and HEALTHY 2013

Here’s an update to Jack’s Story, a post from November 19th .

Jack’s three children don’t get along at all.  They live in different cities in the U.S. and Europe, with nothing in common but DNA. They are the very model of a dysfunctional family, unable to agree on anything, including the time of day.

December 13, 2012

Critical Illness Insurance....still a well-kept secret

The Canadian Cancer Society is urging the development of a National Catastrophic Drug Coverage program to help create a consistent, coordinated approach to coverage across Canada.

“The cost of cancer can be devastating to Canadians, because the medications they often need to take at home can wipe out their life savings, said the Canadian Cancer Society.

I agree with them completely – Canadians desperately need that coverage asap.

November 30, 2012

Insurance for the UNinsurable

It’s no secret: the people who need insurance the most usually can’t get it.

There are many reasons for insurance underwriters to just say no: the applicant is too old, too short for their weight, has a poor personal or family health history, a criminal background, exotic travel, a passion for dangerous sports, etc.

It isn’t discrimination, just sensible business practice for the insurance companies who would obviously prefer to insure very healthy people in excellent shape with perfect genes who are least likely to get sick. They get to choose their risks, knowing they will lose money if they pay out too many claims.

November 23, 2012

What a coincidence...ANNUITIES are suddenly a hot topic!

As a member of the Estate Planning Council  of Toronto  I have the pleasure of sharing ideas and best practices with professional colleagues at our monthly meetings downtown. My personal highlight of the meeting last week was a presentation by Paul Goldstein, a living legend in the Canadian insurance industry.

Paul is a Holocaust survivor with a distinguished 46 year (forty six!) career, decorated frequently with numerous awards and recognition from insurance companies and peers: he is an innovator, educator and top producer.  For more than 30 years Paul has consistently qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table's Top of the Table, a select group of less than 1% of all insurance advisors worldwide.

On a personal note…my own accolades… Paul has been my close friend, inspiration and personal mentor for several years. I often discuss the importance of mentors with advisors at my presentations and look forward to sharing with you the story how I pursued Paul and how we first met in a future blog post.

November 19, 2012

Lost and FOUND - Jack’s Story

Back in the early 1990s, when I was just getting started in my career, Jack was already a retired entrepreneur and senior citizen.

We met through a mutual acquaintance (my late mother of blessed memory), and soon became friends. Jack was an active widower with grown up children and grandchildren who didn’t live in Toronto.

I remember accompanying him to his bank branch where he introduced me to the bank manager. They added me to the approved list for access to his safety deposit in case something happened.

November 14, 2012


It’s no secret that I love Critical Illness Insurance (CI), and it continues to amaze me that most insurance advisors in Canada have NEVER sold a policy! In my professional opinion, any insurance advisor who isn’t telling clients about CI is negligent.

When illness strikes, having CI often means the difference between losing a mortgage and losing the family home. It happens all the time.

The statistics are scary - you’ve probably seen them - 1 out of 3 Canadians will get cancer (and that’s just one of about two dozen covered conditions)

August 10, 2012

Huge Changes

The life insurance industry in Canada is undergoing huge changes while attracting little mainstream news coverage.


RBC Insurance recently cancelled their distribution contracts with most of their Managing General Agencies (MGAs). They went from 83 MGAs to just 14.

August 3, 2012

Most Canadians are unaware of their ultimate tax liabilities

Most Canadians are unaware of their ultimate tax liabilities.

Does that include you?

Have you and your spouse been fortunate enough to accumulate substantial savings in RSPs? Did you roll your RSPs into a RIF? Did you know that 46% of those hard-earned retirement savings will be taxed on the second death of you and your spouse? In other words, your estate will pay the government $460,000 on $1 million of retirement savings.

July 12, 2012

105-year-old Toronto woman forced to wait 10 years for long-term care told to wait two more

June 29, 2012

Why Key Person Insurance is important

June 27, 2012

What worries the wealthy?

June 22, 2012

Canada's Healthcare system is sick (and costing us lots of money)

It's no secret that our healthcare system forces Canadians to wait in line for medical treatments.

We developed ELITE U.S. Healthcare™    to provide funding and help people get immediate access to the world's best healthcare .  

(Everyone knows someone who was forced to wait to see a specialist, or begin treatment.)

June 21, 2012

Buying insurance products online can be risky


Buying insurance products online can be risky – it is absolutely not the same as booking a theatre ticket or a buying some music to download. We live in a world of MISinformation, and much of that is available online. Canadians really need the advice of Trusted Advisors.  Many online insurance sellers suggest otherwise. I disagree. Read THIS .

What do you think?

June 20, 2012

RBC will exit the market on many insurance products

I’ve been telling people there will NEVER be a better time to buy critical illness insurance, life insurance and other living benefits. Just last week Manulife raised premiums on Critical Illness insurance by as much as 30%.

 Now comes RBC Insurance announcing major changes: they have decided to exit the market on many great products -  see this article in the Financial Post " RBC latest to pare insurance products" 

Insurance premiums are heading in one direction: UP

June 8, 2012

Welcome to My Blog

I want to personally welcome you to my blog.  The purpose of this blog is to provide readers with my professional insights and observations coupled with the latest industry information to keep you informed.  This is where you can have your own questions answered to help you make well informed decisions to protect yourself and those you love.  

 To receive updates when I make a new post, please sign up at the top right of the page.  You can also socialize with me by clicking on your social media link of choice.  I look forward to communicating with you and helping you in the future.

Take care,

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